Orange County Convention Center

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 | 10:00AM – 5:00PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 | 10:00AM – 5:00PM

Thursday, January 11, 2024 | 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Please Note: ICEC USA 2024 will take place in the West Hall, WE 1

You can find hotel information for ICEC USA 2024 here.

 Register for ICEC USA here!

At ICEC USA and all Reed Exhibitions events, your health and safety is our top priority. As part of this commitment, we’ve taken proactive steps and implemented new guidelines and policies to help support a safe experience. Everyone in attendance, including customers, vendors and staff, are expected to comply with our health and safety requirements, which can be found on our Health & Safety Guideline Information page here.

Orange County Convention Center
9800 International Drive
Orlando, FL

Badges for ICEC USA will not be mailed. Please be sure to print out your confirmation page with bar code and bring it to the Registration Area when you arrive at the Convention Center.

All industry professionals are welcome and invited to ICEC USA. However, out of respect for our exhibitors, attendees from non-exhibiting or non-sponsoring companies are prohibited from soliciting business in the aisles, in other public spaces, and/or in another company’s booth. Any individual observed by Show Management in violation of this policy will be respectfully asked to leave.

If you are interested in conducting business at ICEC USA, please contact Allison Honkofsky at [email protected] to make booth/sponsor arraignments.

No one under 18 years of age will be admitted including infants.

Reed Exhibitions and ICEC USA strive to create and maintain an environment where all people are treated with dignity, decency and respect. As such, we expect ALL parties participating in any ICEC USA event, including but not limited to, exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees, to behave appropriately at all times throughout the year.

ICEC USA has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind including, but not limited to:

  • Stalking
  • Intimidation
  • Offensive verbal comments
  • Physical assault and/or battery
  • Threats
  • Harassing or non-consensual photography or recording
  • Sustained disruption of presentations and other events
  • Bathroom policing
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome physical attention
  • Sexually explicit, suggestive and/or provocative behavior
  • Hate symbols

In relation to, but not limited to:

  • Race
  • Color
  • National origin
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Gender presentation
  • Sexual orientation
  • Marital status
  • Age
  • Body size
  • Disability
  • Appearance
  • Religion
  • Citizenship
  • Pregnancy

If a person engages in harassing behavior at any time, ICEC USA staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate, including expulsion from ICEC USA with no refund. Our policy applies to EVERYONE participating in a ICEC event. Exhibitors, attendees, speakers, guests, professionals, press, staff, volunteers, and security are ALL subject to our Anti-Harassment Policy.

Anyone can report harassment to ICEC staff at any time. If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness the same happening to someone else, you should immediately contact security or ICEC USA staff. If necessary, ICEC USA staff will contact local law enforcement, provide escort, offer a safe place, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to make sure they feel safe for the rest of ICEC USA.

For any additional questions related to ICEC USA 2024, please email [email protected] or contact your ICEC USA Sales Representative.

PLEASE NOTE: From time to time, ICEC USA exhibitors may be contacted by third parties purporting to sell data on the attendees of ICEC USA. These offers are FRADULENT and are in no way connected with ICEC USA or Reed Exhibitions. Reed Exhibitions does NOT sell any attendee data and any such emails should be treated as spam. If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of a potentially fraudulent offer related to ICEC USA, please contact your sales representative.